Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sometimes it's ok to just listen

We've been home for a few weeks now and honestly the heartache is dulling some. We still struggle but it is becoming easier to want to get out of bed in the morning. I have stopped struggling with why so much and am now just wondering if we can do this again..... If we don't we loose if we do we still might loose.

All of you wonderful woman who have the privilege of carrying a child, giving birth to a sweet baby that is 1/2 you and 1/2 your husband, please enjoy them. Please know what a gift they are. Remember every time they invade your space, cry in the middle of the night for the 4Th time & spill paint on the new carpet please, for all of us who can not or have not yet had the pleasure, please remember what a miracle they are. If you have someone in your life struggling with infertility please hold your words close. All of us who are struggling need a listening ear not a cute antidote or a condescending remark. Infertility is emotionally, physically and spiritually one of the most painful things I have evey gone through. If you can't relate because you have never been there just admit you don't have the words.Just be there for your friends who are experiencing something you will never understand.

hug your babies and your husband today

1 comment:

  1. OH Cathryne...your words are so beautifully said. You have taken me back to 6 years ago when we couldn't concive and your heart just aches for a child as EVERYONE around you is popping babies out like popcorn.

    Jeremiah 29:11 kept me going day after day. Through miscarriages and heartache.

    We will contiune to pray as God takes you and D through this journey.

    Enjoy each other,
